Do electric vehicle batteries explode?

In the first episode of our podcast series 'Debunks', we dive into the topic of electric vehicles and their potential fire hazards. Join us as we separate fact from fiction and debunk the myths surrounding EVs and battery safety.

Understanding the Concerns

Exploring the fears and concerns surrounding electric vehicles and fire hazards

Electric vehicles have gained significant popularity in recent years, but along with their rise in popularity, concerns about fire hazards have also emerged. Let's delve into the reasons behind these concerns and examine the validity of such fears.

One of the main concerns is the potential for lithium-ion batteries, which power electric vehicles, to catch fire. While it is true that these batteries have been known to catch fire in rare instances, it is important to put these incidents into perspective. The occurrence of battery fires in electric vehicles is extremely low compared to traditional gasoline-powered cars.

It is also crucial to note that the automotive industry has made significant advancements in battery safety and fire prevention measures. Manufacturers employ rigorous testing and safety protocols to ensure the reliability and safety of electric vehicle batteries.

Debunking the Myths

Separating fact from fiction regarding electric vehicle battery fires

Now, let's debunk some of the common myths surrounding electric vehicle battery fires:

Myth 1: Electric vehicles are more prone to catching fire than traditional cars

This myth stems from misconceptions and sensationalized media coverage. In reality, electric vehicles are not more prone to catching fire than their gasoline counterparts. In fact, statistics show that the occurrence of battery fires in electric vehicles is significantly lower compared to the number of gasoline car fires.

Myth 2: Electric vehicle batteries explode frequently

While battery explosions can occur, they are incredibly rare. Electric vehicle manufacturers have implemented various safety measures to minimize the risk of explosions, such as advanced battery management systems and thermal runaway prevention mechanisms.

Myth 3: Electric vehicle fires cannot be extinguished easily

Firefighters are well-trained to handle electric vehicle fires and have the necessary equipment to extinguish them safely. Electric vehicle fires can be extinguished using standard firefighting techniques, and there are no significant differences in firefighting procedures compared to traditional car fires.

Battery Safety Measures

Exploring the safety measures implemented by electric vehicle manufacturers

Electric vehicle manufacturers prioritize safety and have implemented various measures to prevent battery fires:

Advanced Battery Management Systems (BMS)

Electric vehicles are equipped with sophisticated BMS that monitor the battery's temperature, voltage, and overall health. The BMS ensures that the battery operates within safe parameters and helps prevent overheating or overcharging, which could lead to fires.

Thermal Runaway Prevention

Thermal runaway, a chain reaction of escalating temperature and chemical reactions, is a primary cause of battery fires. Electric vehicle batteries are designed with built-in safety features to prevent thermal runaway, such as flame-retardant materials and thermal barriers.

Fire Suppression Systems

Some electric vehicles are equipped with advanced fire suppression systems that can detect and extinguish fires in the early stages. These systems use various methods like specialized extinguishing agents or rapidly cooling the battery to prevent the fire from spreading.

Expert Insights

Gaining insights from battery chemists, firefighters, and industry professionals

To provide a well-rounded perspective, we spoke to experts in the field:

Battery Chemist - Dr. Ruth Knibbe

Dr. Knibbe, a battery chemist, emphasized that while electric vehicle fires can occur, they are exceptionally rare. The advancements in battery technology and safety measures have significantly reduced the risk of such incidents.

Firefighter - Emma Sutcliffe

Emma Sutcliffe, a firefighter with extensive experience in handling electric vehicle fires, reassured us that firefighters receive specialized training to safely handle these incidents. She highlighted the effectiveness of existing firefighting techniques and equipment in combating electric vehicle fires.

ANCAP CEO - Carla Hoorweg

Carla Hoorweg, CEO of ANCAP (Australasian New Car Assessment Program), emphasized that electric vehicles undergo rigorous safety testing. ANCAP ensures that electric vehicles meet strict safety standards, including fire safety, before they are released into the market.


Understanding the reality of electric vehicle fire hazards

While concerns about electric vehicle fire hazards exist, it is essential to separate fact from fiction. The occurrence of battery fires in electric vehicles is extremely low compared to traditional gasoline car fires. Electric vehicle manufacturers have implemented advanced safety measures to prevent and mitigate fire risks, ensuring the overall safety of electric vehicles.

It is crucial to stay informed and rely on accurate information when evaluating the safety of electric vehicles. By debunking the myths surrounding electric vehicle battery fires, we can foster a better understanding of their actual risks and benefits, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about embracing electric mobility.


While concerns about electric vehicle fire hazards exist, it is essential to separate fact from fiction. The occurrence of battery fires in electric vehicles is extremely low compared to traditional gasoline car fires. Electric vehicle manufacturers have implemented advanced safety measures to prevent and mitigate fire risks, ensuring the overall safety of electric vehicles.

It is crucial to stay informed and rely on accurate information when evaluating the safety of electric vehicles. By debunking the myths surrounding electric vehicle battery fires, we can foster a better understanding of their actual risks and benefits, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about embracing electric mobility.


Are electric vehicles more prone to catching fire than traditional cars?

No, electric vehicles are not more prone to catching fire than traditional cars. Statistics show that the occurrence of battery fires in electric vehicles is significantly lower compared to the number of gasoline car fires.

Do electric vehicle batteries explode frequently?

No, battery explosions in electric vehicles are incredibly rare. Electric vehicle manufacturers have implemented various safety measures, such as advanced battery management systems and thermal runaway prevention mechanisms, to minimize the risk of explosions.

Can electric vehicle fires be easily extinguished?

Yes, firefighters are well-equipped and trained to handle electric vehicle fires. There are no significant differences in firefighting procedures compared to traditional car fires, and electric vehicle fires can be extinguished using standard firefighting techniques.

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