BMW Group Reports Strong Growth in Global Vehicle Sales

The BMW Group has recently released their sales report for the third quarter of 2023, and the numbers are impressive. With a nearly six percent increase in global vehicle sales compared to the previous year, the BMW Group continues to show strong growth. In particular, their electric vehicles are gaining popularity, with battery electric vehicle (BEV) sales increasing by almost 80 percent year-over-year. Let's dive into the details of these remarkable sales figures and see how the BMW Group is driving the future of mobility.

Impressive Growth in Global Vehicle Sales

Discover the remarkable growth in global vehicle sales for the BMW Group.

The BMW Group has reported a significant increase in global vehicle sales during the third quarter of 2023. With a nearly six percent growth compared to the previous year, the BMW Group continues to demonstrate its strong presence in the automotive market.

These impressive sales figures are a testament to the wide range of attractive products offered by the BMW Group across all drive technologies. Customers worldwide are appreciating the quality and performance of BMW vehicles, contributing to the company's continued success.

Rising Popularity of Electric Vehicles

Explore the increasing demand for electric vehicles and the BMW Group's success in the electric vehicle market.

One of the key highlights of the BMW Group's sales report is the growing popularity of electric vehicles. In the third quarter of 2023, the BMW Group achieved a record-breaking sales figure of 93,931 battery electric vehicles (BEVs), representing an impressive 80 percent increase compared to the previous year.

This surge in BEV sales can be attributed to the high demand for the BMW Group's fully-electric products. Customers worldwide are embracing the transition to electric mobility, recognizing the benefits of zero-emission driving and the advanced technology offered by BMW electric vehicles.

While BEVs are experiencing remarkable growth, plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) are facing a slight decline. However, the rate of decline has slowed down in the third quarter, indicating a potential stabilization in the market. The BMW Group remains committed to offering a diverse range of electrified options to cater to different customer preferences.

BMW Group's Commitment to Sustainable Mobility

Learn about the BMW Group's dedication to sustainable mobility and their ambitious goals for the future.

The BMW Group is at the forefront of sustainable mobility, aiming to lead the way in reducing carbon emissions and promoting a greener future. The significant increase in electric vehicle sales is a testament to the company's commitment to sustainable transportation.

Looking ahead, the BMW Group has set ambitious targets for the coming years. By 2024, they aim to have at least 20 percent of their vehicle sales comprised of battery electric vehicles. This commitment to electric mobility will contribute to a significant reduction in carbon emissions and a more sustainable transportation sector.

Furthermore, the BMW Group plans to continue increasing the share of electric vehicles in their sales volume. By 2025, they aim to have one in four vehicles sold as battery electric vehicles, and by 2026, the goal is to have one in three vehicles sold as electric. These targets demonstrate the BMW Group's dedication to driving the future of sustainable mobility.


The BMW Group's sales report for the third quarter of 2023 showcases their impressive growth in global vehicle sales. With a nearly six percent increase compared to the previous year, the BMW Group continues to strengthen its position in the automotive market. The rising popularity of electric vehicles is evident in the record-breaking sales figures for battery electric vehicles, demonstrating the increasing demand for sustainable mobility. The BMW Group's commitment to sustainable transportation is driving their ambitious goals for the future, aiming to have a significant portion of their vehicle sales comprised of electric vehicles.


What is the significance of the BMW Group's global vehicle sales growth?

The BMW Group's global vehicle sales growth signifies their strong presence in the automotive market and the appreciation of customers worldwide for their attractive range of products.

How successful are the BMW Group's electric vehicles?

The BMW Group's electric vehicles are experiencing remarkable success, with a significant increase in battery electric vehicle sales. Customers are embracing the transition to electric mobility, recognizing the benefits of zero-emission driving and advanced technology.

What are the BMW Group's goals for sustainable mobility?

The BMW Group is committed to sustainable mobility and has set ambitious goals for the future. They aim to have a substantial portion of their vehicle sales comprised of electric vehicles, contributing to a greener and more sustainable transportation sector.

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